Bakery and Confectionery

Acronym: PRO.CO.F
Target: LEONARDO DA VINCI PLM (People in the Labour Market)
Activity Period: 18/05/2013 - 31/05/2013
Host: Ecole Lenôtre (Conseil & Formation)
Country: France

The project gives participants the possibility to learn, find, to be trained, and develop intercultural skills. Traveling abroad to another country, daily and intensive training, meetings with representatives of the Bakery – Confectionery sector, the exchange of views and the practical training-placement to enterprises, will provide participants with skills and competence in order to:

    Accept that human behavior is influenced culturally.
    Get to know different cultural standards without the judging in positive or negative way.
    Identify their own cultural beliefs and to judge the results when they interact with other people of different culture.
    Expand the standards of cultural behavior.
    Use their cultural norms in a flexible way.
    Can adopt selected values ​​of other cultures.
    To create positive relationships with people of other cultures and be able to face 'cultural tensions'.

Participants will have the change to be informed and trained:

    on the knowledge, experience and skills that the modern-Baker Confectioner should have  in order to meet the modern demands of the labor market in their sector
    on Health and safety topics in their workplaces
    about Job prospects opened in a modern Confectionery market
    on how to prepare and offer in their enterprises traditional and modern bakery and pastry French products
